IT'S A BOY! (or...OR a girl with issues about pink). The toy Under the Nile (organic Egyptian cotton) with a few 7th Generation chlorine free diapers (No dear, diapers aren't naturally white...that's chemicals). A pair of my handmade earrings (quartz, Swarovski, gold/sterling) because Mommy love is the GREATEST love of all. (I feel a Whitney moment bursting...nope, that was something else).
Other options are veggies (eggplant, broccoli, etc), fruit (bananas,grapes...) minimo dolls (different ethnicities), and baby buddies (great prints). Safe toys for the baby. A conscious gift. Wow, you are so 21st century. Maybe even 22nd.
Next word: FAIR TRADE
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Other options are veggies (eggplant, broccoli, etc), fruit (bananas,grapes...) minimo dolls (different ethnicities), and baby buddies (great prints). Safe toys for the baby. A conscious gift. Wow, you are so 21st century. Maybe even 22nd.
Next word: FAIR TRADE
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