Showing posts with label handmade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label handmade. Show all posts

Monday, August 27, 2012

Creative juices trickle more than flow...

Ideally, I would love to have my hands do the creative good and make use of all of the materials I have amassed (nearly hoarded).  I don't know if you can relate to that feeling when you walk over to an area that needs your attention, whether it be creative activity or the simple act of tidying up, and you stop...stare...walk away.  This time I had direction.  I made a bracelet for my mother and here's what it looks like.

Shell/Amethyst/Carved brass bead
Do I have more going on?  I wish...I hope to keep creating until there is nothing left.  The general idea is to donate portions of the proceeds to those in need and save the rest to move abroad and teach.  This motivation will hopefully supercede my consistent procrastination.  I have a few ideas, and I shall share them (as well, as the cool things I find along the way.  I'm excited to see what cool things I find abroad.  Motivated!!).

Until next time...(

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Eura Cool (to Me) #1

As I read through the various ways to promote my store via the vast plethora of massively intimidating social networking options I decided to just talk about what's cool.  You know...Cool.  Are you cool?  Is being cool really that important, or is it just a tag associated with what we WISH we could be all the time?

Let's start with me.  Do I think I'm cool?  Well, many of us gain our self-perception from the feedback of others.  Do people like us? I think FB has taken this to another level.  Making all of one's mundane moments in life worthy of broadcasting to the world (minute or ridiculously broad depending on the amount of "friends" tallied.).  Still, am I cool?  Nah.  I hope not.  I mean if I thought I was cool, then that would inevitable mean that...I. am. not.

So let's focus on things that are indeed...Cool (to me).

...Handmade mineral eye shadow (Noella Beauty Works) - If you know me (you probably don't), you know that I am afraid of makeup because I don't know how to work it, BUT this looks like ice cream.  Far less intimidating...and very cool.

Mineral Eyeshadow - Lime - Pure & Natural Mineral Eyeshadow
Noella Beauty Works

...Handmade Children's Toy Clown (HopIT) - if clowns looked like this then I wouldn't be so freaked out by them. (Like Chuckie Cheese freaked out.  I know Chuckie wasn't a clown, but why was his mouth so big that a 5yr old feels like she's going to be eaten???)  This clown is very calm and non-threatening...and vegetarian.  Cool.

Clown by HOPit

...Handmade cardigan (Oveja Negra Knits) - hand-knitted items are special because there's normally only ONE of the item you have which is...Cool.  This cardigan is nice because of the zigzags and it looks warm and ready for a night at the movies or on long flight.  So you don't get too...Cool.

hand knit cardigan vest ZIG ZAG in grey and red, wool braid belt with tassels
Oveja Negra Knits (Buenos Aires, Argentina)