Showing posts with label hand-pouredlipbalm. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hand-pouredlipbalm. Show all posts

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Eura Cool (to me) #2

Sometimes it is quite difficult to find something that I like and then declare it cool.  Why?  Inevitably and quite superficially, the minute I commit...someone else will agree.  This is silly (I do admit).  Yet, it plagues me to the depths of my soul (well...I'd have to be deep to have TRUE depth.).  Alas, I do not stop my search for the COOL things out there.  Some things literally are brought to me, and others I find by a bit of clicking or pinning (shout out to my Pinterest ppl!).  Be it ETSY or engaging in people watching (then attempting the nonchalant, "Oh, that's so cute...Where'd you get that?" *innocent un-stalker face*).

I find things...and yeah they are  Here's three for your money:

...Polymer Clay Stud Earrings (Mandy's Charms) - Earrings make my face happy. Happier than food (I'm touching the boundary of exaggeration.). They are bright and fun and they make swirls like...cinnamon rolls. These have no calories. (WARNING: There are high levels of CUTE.) I want to wear them in the rain, in Spain, and even on a plain because they

Mandy's Charms

...Abstract Art Keychain (Starlight Woods) - I'm not a key chain person (apologies if I've given them as souvenirs...I'm lazy). That being said, I want this key chain.  The art work is what caught my attention.  It has passed my STARE test (meaning I don't get tired of gazing at it online).  This key chain is hand painted and made from birch.  Eco-friendly, stylish, 

Starlight Woods

...Natural Lip Balm with Custom Labels (Hand-Poured Lipbalm) - Sometimes my lips try to crack under pressure (of me biting/pulling the skin off...bad habit).  My go-to lip balm was in the famous yellow tube.  A month ago, a photographer friend passed me her custom-labeled lip balm made by a mutual friend.  I snatched it (because it was FREE), but whispered to my yellow tube that this didn't mean anything (whispered in my you don't). I put it lips were HEALED by the Lor-...or by the essential oils and natural ingredients.  My lips were soft Now I have flavors and tints and I even shared one (if there is such a thing as reluctuant sharing).  I don't like confrontation so please don't tell my yellow tube.  Break-ups can be so dramatic.

Hand-Poured Lip Balm