Sunday, June 16, 2013

My stomach is UPSET with my food choices

No tea.
No mint.
No tomato.
No wine.
No carbonated drinks.
No acidic fruits (lime, orange, grapefruit, etc.).

Friday, I had the Starbucks Refresher Tea with lime, mint and raspberry on an empty-ish stomach (mixed the two options).  Today I had a sparkling Izze, citrus (clementine and orange) because I thought the natural bubbles would kill the unnatural yucky feeling in my tummy.  Nauseated...sooooo nauseated since Friday.  Was it worth it? Kinda.  All I want right now is fried chicken and FRIES, and I think that would just make me lose all sorts of weight right now if the nausea progressed to the upheaval level (bad for the teeth, good for the jeans).

I have found that it depends on whether or not my stomach is empty (thank you new workout* which upped my metabolism to crazier levels than ever before).  Homemade(my father) methods or local restaurants fry properly, so I must cut out chain food.  I drink tea (Arabic, so my stomach is possibly a snob) without issue. I avoid tomato sometimes, but love pizza (Zini's).  I drink sparkling water based beverages when I drink un-water.  I would choose WHISKEY over wine any day so all I really need to stay away from are oranges and grapefruits, and never work out again OR...enjoy the upped metabolism which means increasing the frequency of already frequent eating.


*new workout - I actually did something for 15min and didn't get bored.

FYI, the GIVEAWAY is over TOMORROW!!  Check out my other happenings at  Also you can use JUNE25 for 25% OFF any item over $5

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